Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i've just listened to it and i was wondering. suddenly a lot of questions came out to my mind. again. i've wasted so many times to wonder to think to find out all the answers for each questions. but this time i don't need it. i've knew that those questions are unanswerable that i'll never ever ask. i don't want to waste my time anymore. so i was thinking shortly and simply.. nothing's impossible in this life. anything could happen even the thing that i've never imagine before. not ever once. and surprisingly it was happened. and it hasn't happen to me. not until right now. not so that easy for me.

there's a bit shocked and sadness. i'm still good. tears fall but i'm fine. i do care and it lies if i said i don't. but it's just not as much as before. then i've realized what was happened makes me stronger and strong enough to through all of this.

loves hates and jealousy.

Monday, August 30, 2010

in the right time. with or by the right one.
i wish :))

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

now i feel that life after college is blah! it is because i never thought it would be like this. hmmmm. actually it shshshshshsh*ts (ups! sorry) when i get stuck find an incompatibility n lost in the middle of nowhere. and its been months since my graduation. haha -.-". so yaa whatever. hard to explain it all here. i just stresssss! thinking "jdi begimana nasibkuuuu??" aaaaaaaaa @.@ GOD please help n show me the way! ....

anyway, just randomly played some musics and this recently song akhir cerita cinta by glenn fredly was really made my day into :s

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

6 o'clock in the morning and i still wake up. facing a morning of my very first day in 2010. thinking that time does move so fast, really fast. thinking that how lucky i am, never lack of anything cause GOD has given almost of everything to me. but i realize, this is life and nothing's perfect. maybe others have what i don't have. maybe i don't have what others have. but GOD always fair and i feel blessed and thankful for what i have now. thanks GOD because YOU always right beside me. hopefully this new year will be a better year with full of joy, peace and happiness for everybody and everything in this world. hopefully another year will make a better me and let me closer to YOU. amen.